Monday, July 19, 2010

7-19-2010 Newsletter

Harvesting of weeds in problem areas on Forest Lake started  the second week in July, later than usual.  Earlier in the year the City  indicated that they were going to run the harvester this year. As the year progressed, the City had a shortage of staff (reductions and sick leave) so that the person scheduled to run the harvester was no longer available. We didn’t learn of this situation until the third week of June. In order to respond to some complaints and address weed problem areas on Lake 3, three of the FLLA Board members ran the harvester and cleared the following areas:

The SW corner of Third Lake starting at the second bay entrance on Pioneer Point and clearing to the large weed bed and then clearing south of the weed bed from the Pioneer Point Homeowners Association dock and around the entire SW corner.

The SE corner of Second Lake immediately east of Pioneer Point.

The SW corner of Second lake to open up a better access to the bay entrance located in the corner.

We met with the City and the harvesting permit should allow us to continue to harvest as required up to September 1st. We have had a number of complaints on weeds in Lake Three. The City has agreed to move a second conveyor to the far east public access on Lake Three so we can focus cutting there with a minimum of travel time.

We need additional volunteers to run the harvester. Training is available and an experienced person can accompany you the first time you go out. If we don’t have additional volunteers the harvesting will be minimal. Contact Blake Dalbec @ Forest Lake Motor Sports @651-464-3135 to volunteer and /or to identify areas that need to be harvested.

There are still over 100 members who have not paid their  2011 dues of $40. We cannot continue to operate without the financial support of our members. Maintaining a fully paid and growing membership is important to maintaining the financial support of the City. The City looks to how many lakeshore owners are really interested in the lake. As we begin the 2012 lake budget process with the City (August 5th) we will be asking for $25,000. We will need the full support of our paid membership to continue the herbicide and harvesting weed control programs that have been so successful. We will be electronically invoicing those members who have not paid their 2011 dues. We waste a lot of valuable time trying to collect past dues. If you receive an invoice, please promptly pay it. The $40 is a small price to pay to help maintain the quality of your valuable lakeshore property. 

Thank you for your continuing support,
Steve Schmaltz 
FLLA President