Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 Year End Report

FLLA 2011 Year End Summary Report

5th Annual Ice Clean Up (March 19th)
30 volunteers filled ½ a dumpster( donated by SRC)

Annual Meeting (March 30th)
90 people attended the meeting.
Educational guest speakers:
“Understanding Water Clarity and Algae Blooms” by Pamela Massaro PE, Wenk Associates
“ Programs for Improved Water Clarity” by Doug Thomas,Administrator, Comfort Lake- Forest Lake Watershed District

Wine Tasting Social/ Fundraiser ( June 3rd)
3rd annual wine tasting fundraiser was held at Vanneli’s restaurant to support our 2011 lake improvement programs.

Curly Leaf Pondweed(CLP) Management Program (May 17th)
170 acres of CLP was successfully treated on May 17 as follows: Lake 1(70 acres)…Lake 2 ( 37 acres)…..Lake 3( 63 acres). By preventing the rampant growth of this weed we were able :
1. Avoid the mat like weed mass at the surface which restricts recreational lake use.
2. Avoid the problem of 170 acres of CLP of dieing off and floating to shore in early July.
3. Prevent the release of an estimated 600 pounds of phosphorus from the decaying CLP which normally contributes to the summer algae bloom.

Weed Harvesting Program
The weed harvester is used primarily to keep channels open between the lakes, provide bay and public access to deeper lake water. This past year the harvester was not used because weeds in channels and bay entrances were not as bad as previous years.

Zebra Mussel Program
The FLLA contributed $1500 and the Watershed district contributed $4500 and applied for and won a boat launch inspection matching grant from the DNR. The grant provided 550 hours of boat inspections/education at the Forest Lake public launches to help reduce the risk of spreading invasive species such as zebra mussels and milfoil.

Boat Tie Up Social
In August we held a pontoon boat tie up.Aall who attended had an enjoyable afternoon!

Lake Monitoring
The DNR relies on volunteers to monitor lake water quality. This requires taking water samples and measuring water clarity 2x/mo from mid April to early October. This year, through additional volunteers from the Association, monitoring was expanded to lakes two and three. Better data on all three lakes will allow us to compete for more lake related grants. A special thanks to the following lake monitoring volunteers;

Back up

Lake 1...
Steve Schmaltz
Jack Beckman

Lake 2...
Claus Mahler
Bob Abbott

Lake 3...
Dennis Walcholz
Dennis Johnson

Building Support Relationships
During the past year we continued to maintain and build favorable relationships with the following organizations: City of Forest Lake, Watershed District, Mn Waters and the DNR.

We wish everyone the very best in the coming year!

FLLA Board of Directors