Saturday, February 2, 2013

Need FLLA Board Members

Dear Friends of the Lake,

Starting in April, 2013 your FLLA will have several openings for new Board members.

The Association doesn't run on autopilot. We need participation and support from our members.We are a working Board. There are over 10 committee areas where your interests and talents may fit(see list below).

Please consider sharing some of your time and experience with this worthy endeavor. Contact Steve Schmaltz( or 651- 777-5277)  to learn more about how you can take an active role in your FLLA either as a Board member or volunteer .
Board Member Responsibilities/Requirements

1.Be a FLLA Member

2.Attend 3-4 Board meetings/year. (normally 1 1/2 hours per meeting)

3. Serve for a 3 year term

4.Take responsibility for and/or be an active contributor in one or more of the   
   following Committee areas.(Depending on the area,requires 1-3 hours/month)

A. Lake issue management
(1) Herbicide control of of invasive weed species(Curly leaf pondweed)
(2) Weed harvesting program
(3) Monitoring/prevention of AIS( Aquatic Invasive Species like Zebra
(Mussels, Milfoil,etc.)
(4) Increase abatement projects for stormwater runoff into the lake
(5) Lake level  management

B. Maintain membership lists/data

C. Bookkeeping

D. Website maintenance/improvement

E. Legal consultation

F.Communications (sending email newsletters to members,developing
support materials, PR, etc.)

G. Fundraising (eg. Wine Tasting event)

H. Membership development

I. Organizaton Liasion (Represent FLLA at one or more related organizations
such as local Watershed District, City, Mn Waters, DNR,etc.)

J.Board Officer: President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer.

K. Others

Thanks for seriously considering our need for help.

FLLA Board of Directors
Steve Schmaltz, President