Annual Forest Lake Lake Association Meeting
April 22, 2014
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:08 pm
2. Introduce Board Members
3. Bank Balance / Treasurer’s Report
- a. Lake Management collecting dues & donations
- b. Invoices will be sent out in May – why the delay
- c. March 31, 2014 -- Bank Balance $25,213
- d. Future expenses include Navigation Bouys, Weed Harvester Maintenance Repairs, website and Rapid Response Plan for Invasive Species
4. Lake Improvement Committee Meeting in March
- a. 2014 Lake Treatment Areas --
- b. Coordinate funding sources
- c. Partnerships with City of FL, CLFL WSD, DNR
5. Steve McComas – Blue Water Science
- a. State of the Lake
- b. Curly Leaf Pond Weed
- c. Point intercept – what is it, why it is important & findings
- d. What is a buffer and why is it a benefit to the Lake
6. Mike Kinney - Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFL WSD) Administrator
- a. DNR Boat Launch Inspection
- b. CLFL WSD Projects - Hilo Lane Project - Shoreline restoration projects
- c. Other projects CLFL WSD
7. Reports on Weed Harvesting, Navigation Buoys, Lake Clean-up
8. Fundraiser – Wine Tasting
9. Other Business
10. Adjourn 8:21 pm