January 21, 2017
Dear Friends of the Lake:
This is the first of two 2016 Year End summary reports on FLLA and other programs that impact you and the well-being of the lake.
This summary (below) describes the educational, social, and fund raising programs implemented by your FLLA Board. In addition, $322,000 was spent during 2016 on protecting and improving both the water quality and recreational value of Forest Lake. A listing of these key “lake improvement” programs and the funding is at the end of this email. A more detailed description of these lake improvement programs will be sent out next week. Look for it in your emails.
Summary of 2016 FLLA Educational, Social and Fund Raising Programs
Lake Update /Education: Members received timely e-mails on lake related issues, programs and lake education including information on Flowering Rush, Curly Leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Milfoil. Members were also notified of our sponsored social events. For the City election, we asked candidates for Mayor and City Council, to state their position on four key lake issues. Their answers were sent to our membership as input for their voting decision. All correspondence is sent via e-mail….so if you have changed your email address anytime recently or; since becoming a member, be sure to notify us. Contact Steve Schmaltz at swschmaltz@yahoo.com or 651-777-5277.
Annual Lake Ice Cleanup: On March 6th, for the 9th year in a row, 54 volunteers conducted an ice clean up and removed a lot of debris from the ice. Afterwards, Vannelli’s on the Lake treated the volunteers to a barbecue dinner. Thank you Vannelli’s!!
FLLA Annual Meeting (April 19th): This meeting was the best ever attended with a full house of over 130 residents attending and was held at the City Hall. Topics included:
1. Update on Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Eurasian Milfoil, Curl Leaf Pondweed and Flowering Rush
2. “Lake Life after Zebra Mussels”
3. CLFLWD report on water clarity improvement programs
4. DNR presentation on “Forest Lake Fish Population and Stocking”
5.”Lake Home Values and Water Quality” by Muske Re/Max Synergy.
Weed Harvesting: FLLA volunteers and the City partner every year to harvest weeds (June –Sept) to keep lake channels, bay entrances and public launches open and navigable. This year a combination of low vegetation growth and lack of volunteers caused the harvester to be used only two days. This program is under review for next year.
Arts in the Park FLLA Booth: FLLA volunteers represented the FLLA during this weekly event from June thru August, answering questions on the lake and recruiting new members.
Boat Tie-up ( August 6th): Good weather supported members and friends in connecting boats to form a fun “boat flotilla” with plenty of room and time to move around, share snacks , catch up with friends and meet new “Lakers”.
FLLA Free Family Barbecue (August 13th): This was the first of what we plan to be an annual FREE BBQ for members and their immediate family. It was held at Lakes Memorial Park in conjunction with the Northern Lights Paddle, Yoga and Music Fest. Vannelli’s on the Lake, one of our Corporate members co-sponsored the event. BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, side dishes and soft drinks were served. All the family attendees had a great time and enjoyed the free music. Thank you Vannelli’s!!
Paddle Board Raffle Fund Raiser (August 13th): As part of the Northern Lights Festival, Rave Sports, Inc. donated a premium paddle Board for a FLLA raffle. Tickets were only $2/each or 3 /$5. The FLLA made $1240 from the fund raiser. Thank you, Rave Sports!!!!
Boat Cleanup Fund Raiser (Sept 17th): The FLLA partnered with Abbra Carpet Cleaning to hot water/steam extract and clean your boat prior to storage for $40. Unfortunately we had an unseasonably cold and windy day so turnout was far below expectations. We plan to repeat the effort this year, moving it to Saturday May 20th so you can have your boat cleaned before Memorial Day weekend celebrations. Thanks to Abbra for their support!
Your FLLA Membership: a Key Driver of Lake Improvement Progress
We hope you feel that the above program/informational opportunities alone are worth the $40 membership dues. In addition, that $40 is the best investment you can make in protecting your lake property investment. As our membership has grown from 7 in 2008 to 350 today ( out of 900 potential properties) so has our ability increased both to represent the needs of the lake and to form partnerships with key funding partners such as the CLFLWD, the City, DNR and Washington County.
These partnerships have grown each year and in 2016 over $320,000 was spent on Forest Lake aquatic invasive species (AIS) management and water quality (clarity) improvement programs. The source of funding was as follows:
Lake Update /Education: Members received timely e-mails on lake related issues, programs and lake education including information on Flowering Rush, Curly Leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Milfoil. Members were also notified of our sponsored social events. For the City election, we asked candidates for Mayor and City Council, to state their position on four key lake issues. Their answers were sent to our membership as input for their voting decision. All correspondence is sent via e-mail….so if you have changed your email address anytime recently or; since becoming a member, be sure to notify us. Contact Steve Schmaltz at swschmaltz@yahoo.com or 651-777-5277.
Annual Lake Ice Cleanup: On March 6th, for the 9th year in a row, 54 volunteers conducted an ice clean up and removed a lot of debris from the ice. Afterwards, Vannelli’s on the Lake treated the volunteers to a barbecue dinner. Thank you Vannelli’s!!
FLLA Annual Meeting (April 19th): This meeting was the best ever attended with a full house of over 130 residents attending and was held at the City Hall. Topics included:
1. Update on Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Eurasian Milfoil, Curl Leaf Pondweed and Flowering Rush
2. “Lake Life after Zebra Mussels”
3. CLFLWD report on water clarity improvement programs
4. DNR presentation on “Forest Lake Fish Population and Stocking”
5.”Lake Home Values and Water Quality” by Muske Re/Max Synergy.
Weed Harvesting: FLLA volunteers and the City partner every year to harvest weeds (June –Sept) to keep lake channels, bay entrances and public launches open and navigable. This year a combination of low vegetation growth and lack of volunteers caused the harvester to be used only two days. This program is under review for next year.
Arts in the Park FLLA Booth: FLLA volunteers represented the FLLA during this weekly event from June thru August, answering questions on the lake and recruiting new members.
Boat Tie-up ( August 6th): Good weather supported members and friends in connecting boats to form a fun “boat flotilla” with plenty of room and time to move around, share snacks , catch up with friends and meet new “Lakers”.
FLLA Free Family Barbecue (August 13th): This was the first of what we plan to be an annual FREE BBQ for members and their immediate family. It was held at Lakes Memorial Park in conjunction with the Northern Lights Paddle, Yoga and Music Fest. Vannelli’s on the Lake, one of our Corporate members co-sponsored the event. BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, side dishes and soft drinks were served. All the family attendees had a great time and enjoyed the free music. Thank you Vannelli’s!!
Paddle Board Raffle Fund Raiser (August 13th): As part of the Northern Lights Festival, Rave Sports, Inc. donated a premium paddle Board for a FLLA raffle. Tickets were only $2/each or 3 /$5. The FLLA made $1240 from the fund raiser. Thank you, Rave Sports!!!!
Boat Cleanup Fund Raiser (Sept 17th): The FLLA partnered with Abbra Carpet Cleaning to hot water/steam extract and clean your boat prior to storage for $40. Unfortunately we had an unseasonably cold and windy day so turnout was far below expectations. We plan to repeat the effort this year, moving it to Saturday May 20th so you can have your boat cleaned before Memorial Day weekend celebrations. Thanks to Abbra for their support!
Your FLLA Membership: a Key Driver of Lake Improvement Progress
We hope you feel that the above program/informational opportunities alone are worth the $40 membership dues. In addition, that $40 is the best investment you can make in protecting your lake property investment. As our membership has grown from 7 in 2008 to 350 today ( out of 900 potential properties) so has our ability increased both to represent the needs of the lake and to form partnerships with key funding partners such as the CLFLWD, the City, DNR and Washington County.
These partnerships have grown each year and in 2016 over $320,000 was spent on Forest Lake aquatic invasive species (AIS) management and water quality (clarity) improvement programs. The source of funding was as follows:
- CLFLWD and GRANTS …$258,100
- City of FL ………………….. $52,500
- FLLA …………………………..$11,500
Here is a bullet point summary of the 2016 lake improvement programs:
A. Aquatic Invasive Species(AIS) Management
A. Aquatic Invasive Species(AIS) Management
- 2400 hours of boat launch AIS inspections ($36,700)
- Funded AIS assessment on FL to guide/optimize annual treatment programs
- Treated 115 acres of invasive Curl Leaf Pondweed, pre-emergent($40,100)
- Aggressive treatment of 30 acres of Eurasian Milfoil, possibly eradicating it( $13,700)
- 3rd year eradication efforts on Flowering Rush reduced it by 89% ( $17,900)
- Maintained a close partnership with the City who contributed $52,500 to lake improvement
- Zebra Mussel monitoring at 10 sites on the lake
B. Water Quality ( clarity) Improvement
- Hi Lo lane storm water retrofit ($93,100)
- 3rd Lake Pond project start ($27,600)
- Urban storm water remediation with the City( $17,200)
- FL Diagnostic Study to identify next best opportunities ( $70,800)
- Water quality monitoring on all three lakes(4 FLLA volunteers)
- Instrumental in increasing the City’s street sweeping program
- Appointed a FLLA member to the Parks, Lakes and Trails commission
A more informative/descriptive summary of the above lake improvement activities will be sent out within a week. Watch your e-mail!
Finally, in late January or early February, you will be receiving an email requesting your membership dues ($40) for 2017. We look forward to your prompt support so we can continue to move important lake improvement programs forward.
Thanks for your support.
Steve Schmaltz, FLLA Board Member
FLLA Board:
Blake Dalbec…Weed Harvesting
Bob Muske……Secretary
Scott Dewitt…email list /broadcast mechanics
Ross Ohman
Jerry Grundtner… VP,AIS,CAC pres
Don Potts
Chris Hoyt….Corp mbrs
Steve Schmaltz…..WD rept/website
Gayle Hove…Treasurer
Stev Stegner……President
Doug Joens…City MS4 program
Mike Schrom
Finally, in late January or early February, you will be receiving an email requesting your membership dues ($40) for 2017. We look forward to your prompt support so we can continue to move important lake improvement programs forward.
Thanks for your support.
Steve Schmaltz, FLLA Board Member
FLLA Board:
Blake Dalbec…Weed Harvesting
Bob Muske……Secretary
Scott Dewitt…email list /broadcast mechanics
Ross Ohman
Jerry Grundtner… VP,AIS,CAC pres
Don Potts
Chris Hoyt….Corp mbrs
Steve Schmaltz…..WD rept/website
Gayle Hove…Treasurer
Stev Stegner……President
Doug Joens…City MS4 program
Mike Schrom
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