Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forest Lake Lake Association 2010 Update and 2011 Outlook

Dear Friends of the Lake:
2010 is just about finished.  We want to both update you on the progress made this year by your FLLA and provide you with an initial schedule of events for 2011.


Lake Ice Annual Clean Up: 2010 was the fourth year that Association volunteers cleaned up a dumpster load of trash and debris from the ice prior to ice out. They then enjoyed a complimentary barbecue sponsored by Board member Pete Paider of the Forest Laker.

Invasive Species Aquatic Weed  Control  Program:  Control of the invasive species Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) through DNR approved and controlled herbicide treatment  has been a major goal of the Association . By working closely with the City, treated areas have increased as follows:
  1. 15 acres in 2008(trial)
  2. 100 acres in 2009
  3. 155 acres in 2010: Lake 3(63 acres), Lake 2(37 acres) and Lake 1(55 acres)

With this year’s expansion to Lake 1 we now have an active and aggressive treatment program on all three lakes. The 2010 treatment cost was $32,000, funded $25,000 by the city and $7,000 by your Association. 
Weed Harvesting Program:  The city  and  Association worked together to continue selective weed harvesting to accomplish the following goals:

1.To keep lake connecting channels open.
2.To maintain open paths from the various bay entrances to deeper water
3.To clear open paths to deeper water for  Lake 3 public launches

The frequency and success of the program is dependent on the number of volunteers we have , so if you can, please make time to volunteer in 2011.  The Association donated $2000 to the City to help with harvester maintenance costs. Thank you to board members Blake Dalbec and Jeff Gosiak for organizing and leading the harvesting program this year.

Membership Drives:  Association membership increased from 220 last year to 300 this year but fell short of our goal of 400. The following activities were focused on increasing membership;
  1. A meeting flier was hand delivered to all nonmembers living on the lake inviting them to attend the Association annual meeting. We signed up 30 new members.
  2. Board members recruited and  spoke at at lake condo and homeowner association meetings.
  3. “Arts in the Park” summer program. This activity helped increase membership, helped educate the community on the Association and lake issues and raised money by selling lake related items.

Thank you to Board member Gayle Hove for organizing and running  “Arts in the Park” for the third year in a row and thank you to the Association volunteers who worked at the booth over the 14 summer weeks.

Watershed District(WSD): The association continued to work closely with the local Comfort Lake-Forest Lake WSD to improve water quality. In response to our emphasis on starting a program to help prevent invasive species (zebra mussels and milfoil) from entering Forest Lake, The WSD provided funds to the DNR for 100 hours of public launch boat inspections and boater education on Forest Lake this past summer. The WSD continued their matching grant program to homeowners ($3000) and to commercial properties ($15,000) for installing rain gardens/lakeshore restoration projects to keep phosphorus and pollutants out of the lake.


1. The spring Wine Tasting Event was, again, a very successful fund raiser for the Association. Thank you to Board members Chance Norby and Bob Muske for organizing this event, to the other Board members who helped, and to our many association and non association members who supported the event with their donations and attendance.

2. The fall Boat Cleanup was offered as both a convenience and fundraiser. Thank you to Pete Paider for organizing the event and to Abbra Carpet Cleaning for their indispensable support.

Documentation of Lake Value to the Community/City: This past year the Association worked very hard developing a data base that documented the economic and recreational value of the lake to a community base much broader than just lakeshore property owners. For example, did you know that  85% of the people who use the lake do not live on the lake?  This and other lake usage facts was very instrumental in building understanding and alignment with the City Council and other city officials on the lake as an economic and recreational asset and community priority.

Election Candidates’ Positions on Lake Issues:  The Association arranged to have candidates for the office of Mayor or City Council explain their position on selected lake issues.This information was both sent to you and posted on our web site to provide you with information as input to your overall voting decision. Thank you to Board members Blake Roberts and Bjorn Larsen and to Liz Swanson for organizing and implementing this project.
2011 Program Plans


2011 Membership Dues:  Electronic invoicing of members for 2011 dues will be in January.

Ice Cleanup:  March 12,19,26 depending on ice condition/weather

FLLA  Annual Meeting:  Wed., March 30th

Spring Boat Cleanup Fund Raiser:   Saturday, May 21st

Wine/Beer Tasting Fund Raiser:  Friday, June 3rd


Aquatic Weed Control:  The City and Association will work together to treat 170 acres in 2011. Cost: $35,000. The city will fund $25,000 and the association will fund $10,000.

Weed Harvesting : This program will continue with the city and association working together. The FLLA will contribute $2000 for maintenance of the harvester. We need volunteers to run the harvester..please volunteer if you can.

Membership:   The goal is to increase membership from 300 in 2010 to 400 in 2011 which would represent 35% of  lake residents. To do this we will need volunteers. Please volunteer.

Write a Lake Management Plan:   We need volunteers to work with the Watershed District to help write a 5 year Lake Management Plan so we can qualify for funds to improve water quality and address the issue of summer algae blooms.


Storm Water Run-Off Lake Contamination:  Storm water run-off whether from residential or commercial property is one of the major contributors to declining water quality and algae blooms. We will work with the WSD and the city to develop a plan and schedule to address  identified storm water run-off sites.

Zebra Mussels (Invasive Species):
  1. Continue to work with the WSD to fund DNR public launch boat inspections.
  2. Test/evaluate to determine to what extent Zebra Mussels could propagate in Forest  Lake.
  3. Develop a monitoring and action plan for zebra mussels.

We look for your continued and expanded support both financially and through volunteering in 2011. We are now at a growth stage where we need more volunteers to continue to make meaningful progress on lake issues. Thank you.

FLLA Board of Directors