Sunday, January 27, 2013

2013 Calendar

Dear Friends of the Lake,

Happy new year! We have another full year of lake improving/protecting,social,research and educational programs planned!

Here is the start of some of the larger programs to note and add to your calender. Future news letters will cover the research and educational projects scheduled for 2013.

Membership dues statements($40) were sent out electronically Jan 16-19. Please check your emails or if you haven't paid your $40 dues, simply mail a check( made out to FLLA) to PO Box 61, Forest Lake, Mn 55025.

2013 Calender

January 16-19:  $40 membership dues statements were electronically sent out

March 2 or 9 or 16: Ice clean up potential dates, depending on the weather.

April 23: Annual Meeting,7PM @ Vanneli's...two research/educational speakers

May ? : Herbicide treatment of invasive species Curly Leaf Pondweed

May 1: Delinquent dues become $50

May 31: Annual wine/beer tasting fundraiser @ Vanneli's

May 1-Sept 30: 1200hrs of boat launch inspections for invasive species (Zebra          
        mussels and Milfoil)

May 1-Oct 30: Installation of storm water runoff abatement projects(City/WSD)

The $40 membership is the best value in Forest Lake. Send this activity list to a neighbor who isn't a member.With a membership of only 330 versus the 900+ lakeshore resident population, there is a good chance that neither of your neighbore belong to the FLLA. Go ahead and ask them!!

FLLA Board of Directors
Steve Schmaltz, President