Friday, July 19, 2019

Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District Survey

Dear Friends of the Lake,

The Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) is one of the FLLA valuable partners. They have done an outstanding job in helping to maintain and improve Forest Lake both from a water quality standpoint and from an AIS management. The lake would be in a much worse condition if the CLFLWD was not constantly implementing programs and projects to improve the lake.

The CLFLWD is in the middle of updating their 10 year management plan. They have asked that I send to you a link to take a survey to help them better understand what is important to you from a water quality standpoint.

The survey will only take a few minutes to fill out.  There are only 10 questions. Your response will help the CLFLWD determine how to better help Forest Lake and other water bodies in the area.

I really hope you take the time to fill it out and send it in.

Please click on the link below.

Thank you
Forest Lake Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Weed Harvester Operation 2019

Dear Friends of the Lake;

We have had several inquiries about the weed harvester. The weed harvester started cutting on Tuesday July 9th. It is being operated and maintained by the City of Forest Lake with the FLLA paying for the operation of the harvester. The city is responsible for the maintenance and repair. The FLLA is paying the city to run the harvester 3-4 days a week depending on weather and other schedule issues. We have found this to be efficient and cost effective.

This year we have all seen an unusually heavy native vegetation growth early in the year and in some cases there are some species of native vegetation that we have never seen before. Some of us this year have been struggling also with the heavy growth of Curly Pond Weed which is classified as AIS. Fortunately the Curly Pond weed is finally beginning to die back.

The FLLA is required to have a DNR permit for the harvester which only allows cutting of native vegetation in designated areas around the lake. Generally we can only cut in navigation channels and those areas that have had heavy documented weed growth for several years. The weed harvester cannot cut native vegetation not in the designated areas according to the DNR permit.

More importantly, the weed harvester cannot cut in areas where there is any AIS, and therefore we are only cutting native vegetation.

Not cutting AIS is one of the critical aspects that that must be strictly adhered to in order to not spread AIS. The weed harvester will continue operating into August and hopefully will help many of you.
The FLLA Board of Directors approved spending up to $5,000.00 in 2019 for the running of the harvester. These monies are coming from the lake association dues that you pay. We are spending this money not because we have to but because we are trying to maintain the recreational value of Forest Lake.

Many of your neighbors who are NOT members of the FLLA are benefiting from the harvester. Please ask them to join the FLLA to help pay for this effort. Our membership dues of $50.00 is a small token to pay a year for this service.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact me.

Forest Lake Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner, President

Friday, June 28, 2019

Filamentous Algae

Dear Friends of the Lake;

The FLLA has recently received several inquiries regarding the green alga that is in all of Forest Lake. The Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District has provided some information on this alga. There are 2 attachments which really explain what it is.

It is important to note that Forest Lake is not the only lake in the area that has filamentous algae but as many of us have noticed it has never been as bad as this year.

It is also important to note that this algae is not the blue-green which can produce harmful toxins. Usually the blue - green alga occurs later in the summer.

Please read the following information and most importantly read how you as homeowners on the lake can help to reduce nutrients such as phosphorous from entering the lake and contributing to algae growth.

More importantly make sure your neighbors are not contributing to the nutrient load. With only 33% of the lake homeowners belonging to the FLLA it is important to help educate your neighbors. We all use the lake for various activities and we all must help protect it.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner, President

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Eurasian Water Milfoil Treatment

Dear Friends of the Lake;

I wanted to let you know that the herbicide treatment of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) is being done on Thursday June 27th and June 28th weather dependent. The treatment will be occurring only in 1st lake and in the channel area between 1st and 2nd Lake.

Unfortunately the area of EWM continues to increase and this year we will be treating over 49 acres. Last year we treated 40 acres. There is no known treatment to eradicate EWM so all we are trying to do is control the spread. For the last 3 years EWM has really only been in 1st lake but this year a large patch of EWM is encroaching into 2nd lake.

The cost to treat the EWM is over $25,000 and the FLLA is responsible for the contracting and paying for this treatment. We are fortunate that we have gotten an $8,000 grant from Washington County and financial help from the City of Forest Lake otherwise this would not be happening. Your support and membership dues help us do things like this.

You may see some marker buoys in the areas being treated so please do not remove them or run over them with your boats.

All of the treatment areas are significantly away from the shoreline so there will be no restriction on swimming, fishing or use of the lake this weekend.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Forest Lake Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President

Monday, June 17, 2019

Exciting News on AIS Funding

Dear Friends of the Lake;

I wanted to let you know that within the last few weeks a major bill regarding funding for the fight of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) was signed into law by Governor Waltz. This is extremely exciting because for the last few years the DNR has not provided any monies for AIS management.

With this new law the DNR will be able to restore the AIS accounts for AIS management to lake associations which will help with the fight of AIS.

The article below is from the Minnesota Lakes & Rivers (MLR) which is a non-profit organization here in Minnesota which advocates and lobbies for things like this. The FLLA is a member of the MLR and I would encourage you to consider joining them. They are a voice for us in St. Paul.

Forest Lake Lake Association
Jerry Grundtner, President

Environment and Natural Resources Omnibuzz Bill - a big deal for water
Published by Jeff Forester on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 18:26

MN DNR Funding and Lake Association AIS Grants Restored, MAISRC Stabilized

In 1989, after Eurasian water milfoil, Minnesota's first invasive species, was discovered in Lake Minnetonka the state created a $5 surcharge on three year boat registrations to fund efforts to control further Aquatic Invasive Species, AIS, spread. From the late 1980s until 2014 the MN DNR, using funds from this surcharge, provided about $800,000 in matching grants to help defray the costs to lake associations from managing invasive aquatic plants. Starting in 2015 the MN DNR began cutting these grants progressively, zeroing them out in 2017.

As the number, complexity, distribution and the threat of AIS have grown since 1989, DNR AIS budgets began to slip into the red.

MLR advocated for a long overdue increase in this AIS surcharge to; 1) restore DNR budgets, 2) restore aquatic invasive species plant management grants to lake associations, 3) provide reliable and ongoing funding for the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center, MAISRC, at the University of Minnesota.

MLR sees a comprehensive statewide program as a three legged stool between active partners; MN DNR must provide permitting, oversight, technical assistance and core functions, lake associations are the primary volunteers and lake managers, and MAISRC must provide the innovative science and improved best management practices.

MLR advocated for an increase from $5 to $20 for an AIS surcharge on a three year boat registration. While this was the MN House position, the MN Senate included a smaller increase, but directed general fund revenue to these priorities. The final compromise signed into law by Governor Walz includes an increase in the AIS surcharge from $5 for a three year registration to $10.60. This will restore the DNR AIS account and partially restore the AIS management grants to lake associations.

Grants to Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC)are funded from both the general fund and what is known as the heritage enhancement account in the game and fish fund, providing $510,000 for the next two years for MAISRC to, "to prioritize, support, and develop research-based solutions that can reduce the effects of aquatic invasive species in Minnesota by preventing spread, controlling populations, and managing ecosystems and to advance knowledge to inspire action by others."  

In addition, $4 million from the Environmental Trust Fund, which receives proceeds from the Minnesota State Lottery, is granted, "to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to support the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center in developing solutions to Minnesota's aquatic invasive species problems through research, control, prevention, outreach, and early detection of existing and emerging aquatic invasive species threats. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2023, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered."

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Rib Fest Reminder

Dear Friends of the lake;
Friendly Reminder

This year the Forest lake Association is partnering with Vannellis By the Lake to host a Rib Fest on June 22nd. The Rib Fest will occur rain or shine at Vannellis. There will be between 15 - 20 rib masters cooking ribs that you will be able to taste. Live entertainment will also be ongoing. Entrance to the event will begin at 3:00 PM with the ribs being available to be served beginning at 4:00 PM.

Tickets are $12.00 and this includes 4 ribs and a beer or other drink. Tickets are being sold at the following locations:
  • Rapid Press
  • Lakes Floral
  • Vannellis
  • Remax Reality
Tickets can also be purchased at the door however we encourage you to buy your tickets beforehand because we have a limited number of tickets that can be sold because of the quantity of ribs.

Note that all proceeds from the sale of the tickets will go directly to the Lake Association which makes it a tremendous fund raiser. This event is also open to the public not just the lake association members.

We really hope you buy your tickets and come enjoy some great food and socialize with friends and neighbors.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President

Friday, June 7, 2019

Carp Survey

Dear Friends of the Lake;

Carp are considered to be an invasive fish species in lakes because, as they search for food ,they disturb the lake bottom , causing phosphorus to be released (supports algae blooms).

The Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) has requested any input from our members on the presence of CARP in Forest Lake.

Please reply to the above email address on the following question:

Have you ever seen Carp in Forest Lake? (they normally spawn along certain shorelines in late May/early June).
  1. Yes.....please, list the last date you saw them and where (eg. May 2018 , along my shoreline)
  2. No
  3. Other comments:
Thank you.

Steve Schmaltz
FLLA Board Member

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Herbicide Treatment of Curly Leaf Pondweed

Dear Friends of the lake;

I have had several inquiries about what the small buoys are that many of you see out in the water. Forest Lake has a heavy infestation of Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) which is an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).   CLP is a early growing AIS that grows up to the surface. CLP if left untreated grows very quickly until around the middle of July and then dies back causing an abundant amount of phosphorus to enter into the water column.

The Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (WD) has been doing an outstanding job each year in contracting and paying for herbicide treatment of CLP. The herbicide treatment early in the year prevents the heavy release of the phosphorus back into the water. This treatment is usually done each year around this time while CLP is young and not very robust.

On May 20th 99 acres were treated on Forest Lake. The small buoys you see are markers that generally outline the area that was treated. A delineation by Blue Water Science was completed a few weeks ago that identified the areas to be treated. The areas treated were mapped with GPS and the WD obtained a permit from the DNR for this treatment.

Hopefully that answers your questions.

Forest Lake Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Forest Lake Lake Association Rib Fest 2019

Dear Friends of the Lake;

This year the Forest Lake Association is partnering with Vannellis By the Lake to host a Rib Fest on June 22nd. The Rib Fest will occur rain or shine at Vannellis. There will be over 20 rib masters cooking ribs that you will be able to taste. Live entertainment will also be ongoing. Entrance to the event will begin at 3:00 PM with the ribs being available to be served beginning at 4:00 PM.

Tickets are $12.00 and this includes 4 ribs and a beer or other drink. Tickets are being sold at the following locations:
  • Rapid Press
  • Lakes Floral
  • Vannellis
  • Remax Reality
Tickets can also be purchased at the door however we encourage you to buy your tickets beforehand because we have a limited number of tickets that can be sold because of the quantity of ribs.

Note that all proceeds from the sale of the tickets will go directly to the Lake Association which makes it a tremendous fund raiser. This event is also open to the public not just the lake association members.

We really hope you buy your tickets and come enjoy some great food and socialize with friends and neighbors.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Detector

Dear Friends of the Lake;

Doug Joens, who is the treasurer and board member for the Forest Lake Lake Association, is now a Volunteer Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Detector for the State of Minnesota. Doug completed a 16-hour course developed by the University of Minnesota, related to basic aquatic ecology, AIS identification, impacts and biology, Minnesota rules and regulations, preventing the spread of AIS, and reporting. He is available to the public for questions regarding AIS which include plants and animals.

If you find something or have a question related to AIS, please contact Doug by phone or mobile message at 612-860-0055 or email at His job regarding citizen inquiries would be to use the proper channels to document the incident and send it on to an expert to verify the siting.

We need all of our members to be the eyes for the lake so please do not hesitate to contact Doug.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner - President

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reminder Annual Meeting 3 weeks away

Reminder Forest Lake Lake Association Annual Meeting
April 23, 2019 ----- 7:00- 8:30 PM

Dear FLLA members:

As a reminder, our annual meeting is 3 weeks away and will be held on April 23rd at Forest Lake High School Auditorium. Parking is the easiest when you park on the south side of the high school and come in the door called "Performing Arts Center."

We hope that you will attend this important event. We will have about 1 hour of presentations from 2-3 speakers and then we will have 30 minutes of Q & A.

We have moved from Stellas where we have had this meeting the last few years because it has become too small. The venue in the auditorium is also much better from an audio visual standpoint. Snacks, along with soda and water, will be free beginning at 6:30 PM.  

Our guest speakers will talk about several valuable and interesting topics regarding the future and current status of Forest Lake.

Please consider bringing a neighbor or friend who is not a member of the FLLA to the meeting as the meeting is open to new members and the general public.

If you have not paid your 2019 FLLA membership dues you will be able to do so at the annual meeting. If you have not paid please consider paying at the annual meeting. Also if you have any changes to your e-mail address or mailing address please let us know that also.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

Jerry Grundtner, President

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Annual Meeting Hold The Date

Hold the Date
Forest Lake Lake Association Annual Meeting
April 23, 2019 ----- 7:00-8:30 PM
Forest Lake High School Auditorium

Dear FLLA members:

Our annual meeting will be held on April 23rd at the Forest Lake High School Auditorium. We have decided to move the venue because of the larger number of people attending and better audio visual equipment. Snacks and water will be free beginning at 6:30 PM.  

We will have several guest speakers which will provide you valuable and interesting information regarding the future and current status of Forest Lake.

More detailed information to follow in the next few weeks.

Please consider bringing a neighbor or friend who is not a member of the FLLA to the meeting as the meeting is open to new members.

If you have not paid your 2019 FLLA membership dues please do before the annual meeting so we can determine who our members are for 2019. If you have any changes to your e-mail address or mailing address please let us know that also.

Thank you
Jerry Grundtner - President
Board of Directors FLLA

Friday, February 22, 2019

Support Grants to Lake Associations

Dear Friends of the Lake;

The board of directors of the Forest Lake Lake Association (FLLA) would like you to support the following legislative bill currently being considered in the Minnesota Senate. The information below is from Minnesota Lakes and Rivers an organization that the FLLA belongs to.

AIS continues to be a significant issue for Forest Lake. It is the largest issue that the lake association will be spending on in future years. The control of AIS will remain a challenge. There are other species of AIS that we do have in Forest Lake which are worse than what we currently have. These other species could easily get into our lake and the cost to control them could be significant.

We need state funding to help Lake Associations like FLLA to combat AIS. Forest Lake, like many other lakes in Minnesota, is at war with AIS and we need to continue to work hard to protect our lake now and for future generations. This all cost money. This bill, if passed, would provide an opportunity for the FLLA to obtain funding to fight AIS.

Please consider sending your support for this bill. Click on the "Take Action" button below. It really only takes about 2 minutes to fill out the form and send an e-mail.

Thank you

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner, President

Dear Friend,

For many years the MN DNR made about $800,000 in grants to lake associations to help them manage aquatic invasive species. But in 2016 they cut the grants in half, to $400,000. The next year they ended them altogether.

SF 1062, authored by Senator Rich Draheim, and joined by Senators Rudd, Ingebrigtsen, Jensen, and Eichorn would, if passed into law, provide $1 million of General Fund money in 2020 and 2021 for matching grants to lake associations for controlling aquatic invasive species. No more than 10% of the funding may go to a single lake association. 

Click the Blue "Take Action" button below to send your Senator an email asking them to support this legislation. While AIS is a statewide problem, for too long the costs have been local. Lake Associations deserve support in the work they do to protect the public good of healthy lake ecosystems.

Monday, February 11, 2019

2019 Lake Programs and Improvement Plans

Dear Friends of the Lake;

Here is a list of our upcoming 2019 Programs and Lake Improvement Plans.

1. Your 2019 Membership: A Key Driver of Lake Improvement    

Your $50 annual contribution is the best investment you can make in protecting & improving both your lake and   lake property value. As membership has grown from 7 members in 2008 to over 350 paid members today, so has our ability increased to represent the needs of the lake through collaboration with key funding partners such as the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District( CLFLWD), the City of Forest Lake , Department of Natural Resources(DNR) and Washington County.

2. Forest Lake Lake Improvement Programs

   A. Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Management
  • Watercraft inspections ($53,000 budget). 2650 hours of watercraft inspections at the three boat launches to help prevent other AIS from entering the lake.
  • Management of AIS ($125,000 budget). Treatment to control Eurasian Water Milfoil, Curly Leaf Pondweed, and eradicate Flowering Rush (99% eradicated).
  • Implement Rapid Response Program ($3,000 budget). Develop plan to prevent Starry Stonewort and Spiny Flea AIS from entering Forest Lake.
  • Zebra Mussel ($0) Continue to monitor.          
   B. Water Quality (clarity) Improvement (treating storm water runoff to remove phosphorus(P))
  • City street sweeping program ($45,000). Complete the optimized program developed. Implement the actual street sweeping. 168 pounds /year of P removed
  • Finalize the Shields Lake storm water harvest and irrigation reuse system (Forest Hills GolfClub). Project was started in fall of 2018. 256 pounds/year of P will be removed from Forest Lake and an average of 26 million gallons of well water/yr will be saved by the Forest Hills Golf Club. Program cost: $1,030,000 supported by a $824,000 state Clean Water Fund grant.
  • Define and apply for grant funding for major P reducing projects ($165,000). This involves initial planning and implementation for the three high P contributing sub-watersheds to Forest lake: Judicial ditch #6 (739 pounds P), Hayward Ave (213 pounds P), Castlewood Golf Course(131 pounds).
  • New diagnostic study to identify the next P reducing projects on Forest Lake.($30,000)
  • Water quality monitoring of all three lakes (4 FLLA volunteers)

3. FLLA Programs and Activities Scheduled for 2019
  • Lake Update/Education... timely e-mails sent on lake issues, programs and lake education.($3000)
  • Annual Lake Ice Clean-up ( March TBD)
  • FLLA Annual Meeting( April 25,2019)
    • -Potential Impact of Starry Stonewort (AIS) on the lake: Steve McComas, Blue Water Science .
    • Review Of $1.0M Shields Lake/Forest Hills Golf Club Project: Mike Kinney,CLFLWD
    • Options for Shoreline Vegetation Control: Rob Dodd, Specialist, DNR
  • FLLA "free" Family Barbecue (June 20) $2500
  • Weed Harvesting Program ( June - August) $5000
  • Pontoon Boat Tie- Up Social Outing( July 13)

The FLLA appreciates your membership and support along with your dues contribution. The great work that is being done could not be accomplished without your support.

Just a reminder... if you change your email address, don't forget to tell us so we can keep you updated.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner, President

Monday, January 28, 2019

2018 Year End Report

Year End Summary of 2018 Forest Lake Lake Association Water Quality, AIS, Educational, Social and Fund Raising Activities

Dear Friends of the Lake;

Another year has passed and many exciting and significant activities have occurred in regards to Forest Lake. This summary describes those activities in a manner that we trust will be both informative and interesting. Your annual membership dues contribution to the Forest Lake Lake Association (FLLA) is the best investment you can make in protecting and improving both your lake and lake property values. As our membership has grown from 7 members in 2008, to over 375 members today, so has our ability increased to represent the needs of the lake through collaboration with key funding partners such as the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD), the City of Forest Lake, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Washington County.

The FLLA appreciates your membership and support along with your dues contribution. The great work that is being done could not be accomplished without your support.

Forest Lake Lake Association Board of Directors
Jerry Grundtner, President