Monday, May 29, 2017

Reminder: 2017 Membership Dues from Forest Lake Lake Association

Forest Lake Lake Association  

Dear friends of the lake,

In reviewing our membership list we noticed that you were a FLLA paid member in 2016 but our records show that you have not paid your dues in 2017. We hope this has just been an oversight on your part and we look forward to receiving your dues payment. For ease of use our website now has the ability to pay with a credit card if you do not want to pay by check.

If you have decided for some reason not to be a member of the FLLA for 2017 we want you to know we appreciate your support in past years and hope that maybe you will consider joining again in 2018.

If there is a reason why you do not want to be part of the FLLA that you feel the Board of Directors should know about please e-mail us at and let us know your concern.

Thank you
Board of Directors Forest Lake Lake Association.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Watercraft Decontamination Station at Lakeside Park May 26-27, 2017

                                                                                                          May 22, 2017
 Dear FLLA Members,
As you may know, the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District runs a watercraft inspection program cooperatively with Chisago County. Through this program, and with support from the Forest Lake Lake Association, the City of Forest Lake, and Washington County, we are able to station DNR-trained watercraft inspectors at the three public accesses on Forest Lake at high-traffic times throughout the summer. The inspectors search for aquatic invasive species (AIS) on incoming and outgoing boats.

Chisago County owns a portable watercraft decontamination station that uses heated and compressed water to remove visible aquatic invasive species from watercraft and kill organisms that are too small for us to see such as zebra mussel veligers. The decontamination station is operated by two specially-trained inspectors. The station is on a rotating schedule and will be stationed at Forest Lake periodically throughout the summer.

Please note that the watercraft decontamination station will be at the Lakeside Park public boat access on Friday, May 26th from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday, May 27th from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. 

Lake association members are encouraged to stop by the park during these times if they are interested in learning more about how the decontamination station works. If anyone is interested, the image below is of the decontamination station in use. You will notice that the boat trailer is parked on a pad that collects all of the water before it can run into a nearby lake.

As mentioned above, the station is on a rotating schedule. It will be back to Forest Lake periodically throughout the summer. Your FLLA Board will send you updates when the decontamination station is scheduled at Forest Lake.

Thanks for your support of the lake,
The FLLA Board of Directors