Monday, December 31, 2012

FLLA 2012 Year End Summary Report

FLLA 2012  Year End Summary Report
Signage: Keep Lake Ice Clean
In December, signs and trash cans were posted at all lake public accesses to encourage lake users to keep the lake clean.
Storm Water Runoff Sites Identified(February)
Members were surveyed and identified 17 sites where storm water(untreated) ran directly into the lake. A Watershed District (WSD) study of Forest Lake indicated that storm water runoff contributes 2100 lbs of phosphorus/year to the lake and is  the number one contributor of  lake pollution. Each pound of phosphorus can support 500 lbs of algae growth! This was the beginning of a program to work with the WSD and the City to address this serious lake issue.
6th Annual Ice Clean Up (March )
Sudden , early and unseasonably hot weather created unsafe  ice conditions and this event had to be cancelled.
Annual Meeting & Educational Speakers (April 24th)
Over100  people attended the meeting.
Educational guest speakers:
“Understanding  and Controlling Forest Lake Invasive Species” by Steve McComas, Pres. Of Bluewater Science Inc…discussed Curly Leaf Pondweed and Zebra Mussels
“Storm Water Runoff 2012 Management Programs” by Doug Thomas, Administrator, Comfort Lake- Forest Lake Watershed District.

Wine Tasting Social/ Fundraiser ( June 3rd)
3rd annual wine tasting fundraiser was held at Vanneli’s  restaurant  to support our 2012 lake improvement programs.

Curly Leaf Pondweed(CLP) Management Program (late April)
155 acres of CLP was successfully treated on May  as follows:  Lake 1(85 acres)…Lake 2 ( 37 acres)…..Lake 3( 33 acres). By preventing the rampant  growth of this invasive species weed  we were able :

  1. Avoid the mat like weed mass at the surface which restricts recreational lake use.
  2. Avoid the problem of 155 acres of CLP of dieing off and floating to shore in early July.
  3. Prevent the release of an estimated 550 pounds of phosphorus from the decaying CLP which normally contributes to the summer algae bloom.
The treatment cost was $33,200. But a DNR grant of $22,500 obtained by the CL-FL Watershed District reduced the cost to  $10,700  covered by $7300 from the city and $3,400 from the FLLA.
Weed Harvesting Program
The weed harvester is used primarily to keep channels open between the lakes, provide bay and public access to deeper lake water. This part of the season went well. However, an early, extremely hot spring and low water levels resulted in heavy growth of wild celery and other shallow rooted weeds.
Later in August /September when the harvester is normally removed, these shallow rooted weeds broke loose and created floating “weed bogs”. Some of the bogs were 30ft wide and 300ft long.They restricted docked boats from navigating to deeper water. A number of volunteers worked a total of 135 hours and removed 45 dump truck loads that the City recycled. The City estimated that 405 tons of weeds were removed. We owe a special thanks to the volunteers and the city for resolving this unusual problem.
Zebra Mussel Prevention Program
The FLLA contributed $1500 and the Watershed District contributed $4500 and applied for  and won a boat  launch inspection matching grant from the DNR. The grant should have provided 880 hours of boat launch  inspections/education at the Forest Lake public launches to help reduce the risk of spreading invasive species such as zebra mussels and milfoil. However, high grant demand forced the DNR to an allocation program and Forest Lake only received 256 DNR sponsored inspection hours. Your FLLA jumped into action and formally petitioned the City to contribute $7500  to the additional $3500 from the FLLA. The request was quickly approved by the City Council resulting in a total of 1200 inspection hours for the 2012 season.
In addition, the CL-FL Watershed District hired a consultant who conducted a study of Forest Lake to determine  how susceptible Forest Lake is to the spread /growth of zebra mussels if and when they should enter the lake. This report will be available in Feb of 2013.
Boat Tie Up Social(August 20)
This normally great social event was cancelled due to rain/inclement weather.
Lake Monitoring
The DNR relies on volunteers to monitor lake water quality. This requires taking water samples and measuring water clarity 2x/mo from mid April to early October. This year, through additional volunteers from the Association, monitoring was expanded to lakes two and three. Better data on all three lakes will allow us to compete for more lake related grants. A special thanks to the following lake monitoring volunteers;


Lake 1
Steve Schmaltz
Jack Beckman

Lake 2
Jim Hannon
Doug  Joens

Lake 3
Jim Spetzman
Curt Sparks
Member Alerts on Public Lake Topics
  • Marina proposal/public hearings: during the year we kept our members updated on public hearings and status of this proposal
  • Lake repositions of FL political candidates: we surveyed and sent to our members the lake positions of all candidates running for a FL political position during the fall elections.
Building Support Relationships
During the past year we continued to maintain and build favorable relationships with the following organizations: City of Forest Lake, Watershed District, Mn Waters and the DNR.
We wish everyone the very best in the coming year!

FLLA Board of Directors
Steve Schmaltz,President

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