Sunday, January 15, 2012

Accomplishments / Annual Plan

 Accomplishments / Annual Plan
An Update from Your Forest Lake Lake Association

Founded in 2007 as a non-profit organization, the mission of the Forest Lake Lake Association is to build an expanding, sustainable entity of caring individuals to Promote, Protect, and Conserve the natural resource that is Forest Lake for future generations.  To date, the Lake Association has accomplished the following:

January 15, 2012

2012  Membership Dues and  Lake Improvement Plan/Calender

Dear Friends of the Lake, 
In the next few days we will be sending  a request for your 2012, $40 membership dues. Since we are a  501(C) (3)  non profit organization your  donation is tax deductible. Please pay your dues promptly since the 2012 lake improvement plan /event calender (listed below) is entirely dependent on your financial support. If you think about it, I know you will agree that the $40  is a small price to pay to help protect the property investment you have made in the lake. 
‘’Keep the Lake Clean’’ Ice Signage:  Signs requesting  winter users of the lake to take trash with them will again be posted at all public accesses.
Annual Ice Clean Up (March 10th or 17th) : This will be the 5th annual clean up with a complimentary barbecue to follow.
Annual Meeting( April 17th): The annual meeting will review Association accomplishments /plans and lake issues. The guest speaker will be Steve McComas, President of Blue Water Science , Inc who will discuss  a study  assessing  our CLP treatment program as well as discuss plans to assess to what extent Forest Lake  will support Zebra Mussels propagation.                                                                                                                         
Invasive Species Weed Management Program
A. Herbicide management of Curly Leaf Pondweed(CLP)…DNR approved and monitored
1. Early May: Steve McComas of Blue Water Science,Inc. will assess which beds of CLP should be treated to prevent prolific growth ( up to 170 acres on Lakes 1,2 and 3). The  $1500 cost of the assessment will be funded by the CL-FL Watershed District( WSD).
2. Mid May: Treatment of 170 acres of CLP at a cost of $37,000. Funding : $25,000 by the City and $12,000 by the FLLA.
3. June: Aquatic plant Survey point intercept study will be conducted by Blue Water Science to determine the types and population of lake vegetation:both natural and invasive. This study is required by the DNR every 5 years  for lakes where invasive weed species are herbicide controlled. The  $3000  cost will be funded by the WSD.
B. Weed Harvesting :  The City and FLLA will again work together to provide weed harvesting to maintain
paths to open water for lake channels , bay entrances and public launches. FLLA to donate $2000 to     
the city for harvester maintenance.
Zebra Mussel Prevention Program( April –Sept):
Boat Launch Inspection/Education Program: The FLLA ( $1500) and the WSD ( $4500) will jointly provide funds and apply for a matching grant program from the DNR. If we win a grant ( as we did last year) , it will provide 800 hours of boat inspections/ education  for Zebra Mussels and invasive vegetation species such as milfoil. If  we don’t win a grant , we will buy as many inspection hours as we have joint funds.
Zebra Mussel Assessment Study and Rapid Response Program for Forest Lake: The WSD will fund the $1500 cost of the program to be conducted by Blue Water Science ,Inc

Spring Boat Clean Up and Fundraiser(May 12th or 19th): The FLLA will sponsor a boat clean up ( steam clean/ extract carpeting)  as a service to our members and as a fund raiser.

Wine Tasting –Food Pairing Fund Raiser (June !st): This popular , fun event will be held as part of this years
Lakefest”. Plan to attend our major fund raiser

Reduction in Algae Blooms /Improved Water Clarity: Untreated storm water is a major contribitor of phosphorus contamination in Forest Lake. Phosphorus supports algae blooms and reduces water clarity. This year we will begin to work with the City to have them start rectifying direct water runoff into the lake via culverts and drainage ditches as part of their Storm Water Pollution Management Plan written in 2007. The WSD is providing grants to Cities of up to $50,000/yr for such storm water runoff  management projects. This represents a major step in improving our lake water clarity.

Lake Monitoring for DNR records( April –October): The FLLA will again provide volunteers to take lake readings/ water samples( every two weeks for seven months)  for the DNR  to track water quality/ clarity on Lakes 1,2 and 3 of Forest Lake. This data is key in order to begin to qualify for lake grants.

Maintaining and Building Relationships: A primary and important role of the Association is to build and maintain favorable relationships and represent you on issues impacting the lake or lake property. Over the past 4 years we have worked and continue to work closely with the City , DNR, Watershed District, Mn Waters , other lake associations, local papers  and key vendors . This has made a significant difference in our effectiveness in working toward our organization mission of safeguarding and improving the lake for future generations.

Thank you for your ongoing financial support.
FLLA Board of Directors
Steve Schmaltz, President

We need your help to continue making an impact on issues concerning
Forest Lake.

Membership:  More members will strengthen our efforts.  Membership dues fund projects and help us communicate with our members and the community.  The more members we have, the stronger our voice and the more we can accomplish!  Anyone who uses the lake is welcome to join.

Membership dues are $40 for a Standard Membership or
$150 for a Business Membership.

Click on the “Membership” tab on the left to register on-line.

Volunteer:  The Lake Association has formed several committees to address specific areas of concern and importance to Forest Lake.  If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know on the registration form or click on “Contact Us”.

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